Our Services

Walbreninj Yorga (Healing Women):

This program comprises a ten-week series of three-hour sessions for incarcerated women. This program, delivered in a prison setting by Voice of Hope, seeks to connect participants to community and a network of support, creating a pathway for the smooth transition back to family and into employment.

The program importantly seeks to restore the cultural connection between Aboriginal women and their community and heritage. Re-establishing this connection can provide incarcerated women with a sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. Where women have experienced trauma and challenges posed, for example by family violence or forced removal of children, cultural connection can help lead the way toward healing through connecting with others who understand and share similar experiences.

Helping incarcerated women address issues, in turn allows them to attain the right mindset, move toward healing and can equip them with valuable life skills that will aid them with adjusting to family life and joining the workforce.

The Walbreninj Yorga program sessions all have a Nyoongar title which reflects the cultural sensitivity and targeted nature of this program.

An overview of the ten sessions is as follows:

Week 1: Wanju & Karnarn (Welcome & Speak Truth)

Smoking ceremony, welcome to country, Introduction to the program.

Week 2: Moort Bidi (Family Path)

Creating a timeline of your mob.

Week 3: Ke-ning & Warangka (Dance & Sing)

Traditional songlines and storytelling through song and dance.

Week 4: Kalil Balai (Home Beware)

Creating a safe home by addressing family violence.

Week 5: Bada Mandoo (Sunbeams)

Expression through art.

Week 6: Moort Kadadjiny (Understanding Family)

Parenting and Caring for Family

Week 7: Kookoominy 
(Making Yourself Beautiful)

Self Care: Grooming and Deportment

Week 8: Ngayiny & Noyt Warlang (Crying, Grieving & Healthy Spirit)

Coping with Grief and Loss, Finding Calm, Peace and Acceptance through Meditation.

Week 9: Kolbang 
(Go Forward)

Goal-Setting and Life After Incarceration.

Week 10: Yokayi! (Victory!)

Graduation and Celebration

Hope Bags

Voice of Hope provides clothing, mobile phones, toiletries, cosmetics and other products to women released from incarceration. Through sponsors and donations, Voice of Hope pulls together the items, and distributes these bags to newly released women. The bags are highly valued and received gratefully.

Community Assistance

Voice of Hope can help women exiting prison with a range of services including legal, support interacting with government departments, sourcing accommodation, counselling, support letters and referrals.


Voice of Hope can help women exiting prison with a range of services including legal, support interacting with government departments, sourcing accommodation, counselling, support letters and referrals.


Voice of Hope regularly facilitates conversations which allow women to share stories, accessing the support of their peers, and guidance of Elders and the community.

Elder Advisory

Accessing the wisdom and support of Elders.

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